Under the parentage of Greenfield Marine Technologies, a company founded on the principles of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), we are a symbiotic team of mariners and tech specialists with a common interest in improving the lives of seafarers.

Environment sustainability
To make it our moral responsibility to preserve and save natural resources so that future generations can experience life just as we do or even better.
Crew Well-being and empowerment
To promote a ship culture where it is acceptable to speak openly about well-being and seafarers who seek help for mental health concerns are not stigmatized.
Crew Health and Safety
To provide information and instructions on what people should do to follow best industry practices while aboard ships in order to minimize incidents and losses of human life.
Digital Transformation
To keep enhancing the industry by using digital technology to create new - or modify existing - business processes, culture, and customer experiences in order to make them responsive to changes in the marketplace.
To continuously strive to protect the rights of seafarers and report on unethical practices happening at sea.