App Features
Home App Features

First time in Maritime History
We wouldn’t toot our own horn, if we were not confident about what ShipArc.AI is capable of.
We made sure we created an interface that was intuitive, and easy to navigate, plus we decided that our mariners could do with a little fun with our gamification features. If you are intrigued, keep reading to get a glimpse of what this powerful AI tool can do.

Key Features of ShipArc.AI Mobile App
Hazard Reporting
Customizable Digital format to report Unsafe Act / Unsafe Condition / Positive Finding / Near Miss / Incident.
Reports can be sent using Mobile Phone , Laptop , Tablet or Desktop
User friendly interface that allows reporting in less than 5 minutes.
Ability to attach Photographs / Documents with each report.
Reports can be sent anonymously.
Reports can be sent offline.
Reward Mechanism for each report sent to Motivate Crew.

Training and Development
Training material can be uploaded from ashore and available to each individual crew on their digital devise within seconds.
Trainings can be customized to each vessel type.
Training material in the form of PDF & Videos can be uploaded.
Training Subsections can be customized as per Company Requirements
Mechanism to Test crew Understanding of the training.
Reward Mechanism for each training completedto Motivate Crew.

Rewards & Incentives
Points earned for each report , training & quiz ranks each crew ( From Bronze to Diamond )
Provides Digital certificate of Achievement upon progress
Boat Race creates a sense of competition between vessels of the fleet
Monthly Star Performers ( HSE Champion , HSE Card of the month , Star performers of the vessel & Fleet )
Internal Appreciation Board available .

Maritime Quiz
Each week ten multiple choice questionnaire can be uploaded.
The theme of each Quiz ( ISM , MARPOL , SOLAS Etc ) is customizable as per Company Requirements.
Reward Mechanism available for each quiz completed

Hazard Dashboard
Primary Hazards graph displayed .
Hazardous Area displayed
Hazardous activity displayed
Appreciated Behavior displayed

The Software provides a platform to the crew to discreetly seek help regarding Mental Wellness and a session can be arranged through a certified practitioner
As part of Governance , the platform provide the crew to report any unethical or immoral practices directly to the Company management shore

Maritime Safety Transformation through Predictive Modelling

ShipArc.AI is an algorithm-based software platform that makes accurate predictions and forecasts based on data collected over a span of time.
It's not just about accuracy in assimilating the given data, but it also has the
ability to make timely actions that could result in saving your business from
losing tons of money or wasting valuable resources while being
environmentally friendly at the same time.

Reduce costs, manual paperwork and the guesswork.Increase productivity,morale,and achieve your sustainability goals.

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